Apr 15, 2011

Family Friday: Decorating Cupcakes

I made cupcakes the other week and had several left over, Sam loves helping in the kitchen so I figured we could have a fun decorating day!
He had a hard time squeezing the frosting out so I helped squeeze while he moved it around.

His favorite thing was putting on all the sprinkles, he felt he needed to hand place each one!

They turned out really cute in a messy kind of way! He also loved eating them!!

1 comment:

Ali said...

Heheh, that sounds just like me daughter. She likes placing them one by one as well. :) It is so cute when they get so focused on a task like decorating a cupcake.

I wanted to thank you for participating in the Hump Day Hoorah at my blog last week. A new Hoorah is now up and I'd love it if you joined in. Have a great week! :)